Sharpening your skills
If fitness were a video game, skill development would be like leveling up. It’s the key to unlocking new challenges and becoming a more well-rounded athlete. Not to mention, it’s a lot more fun than just doing the same old exercises day in and day out.
The Struggle is Real
As a society, we are bombarded with messages that encourage us to take the easy route. We see advertisements for quick weight loss programs, fast food chains on every corner, and social media influencers promoting the latest shortcut or hack. It's no wonder we struggle with making the right choices.
Should you have a cheat meal
Cheat Meals. I don’t know where the term originated, but I know it’s problematic. I’ve been hearing and for a time using the term “Cheat Meal” since I began my health and fitness journey. Over the years, I’ve come to find the idea of a cheat meal to be more harmful than helpful.
Exercise: More Than Just a Skinny Body
Over the past decade, as a strength and conditioning coach, I've met countless people who have a very specific goal in mind when it comes to their fitness journey: to be skinny. While there's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to look a certain way, the truth is that fitness is about so much more than just the number on the scale or the size of your jeans.
Think long term
As humans, we often prioritize short-term rewards over long-term benefits. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of an immediate reward and forget about the consequences of our actions in the future. But if we want to achieve our goals and live fulfilling lives, we need to start making choices that benefit us in the long run.
Why There's No Perfect Diet for Everyone (and Why Fad Diets Suck)
Do you ever feel like you're on a never-ending quest for the perfect diet? Maybe you've tried the paleo diet, keto diet, or even the carnivore diet, only to find that they don't work for you. Well, I've got some news for you: there's no such thing as a perfect diet for everyone.
The Surprising Connection Between Exercise and Stress:
Discover the science behind exercise and stress, and how to use fitness to build a more resilient mind and body.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Have you ever felt like you're not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough to achieve your goals? Do you find yourself constantly making excuses or holding yourself back from taking risks or trying new things? If so, you may be struggling with limiting beliefs.
Protein: The Building Block of a Healthy Diet
Protein is a crucial building block for our bodies, helping to repair and build tissues, support a healthy immune system, and keep us feeling full and satisfied. But despite its importance, many of us struggle to eat enough protein every day. That's why I'm here to share some tips on how to make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet.
Enough fitness
In a culture consumed by appearance and aesthetics, you can see the effects of training more than necessary everywhere. Just spend a couple of minutes on Instagram. There is an entire world of "fitness" and training-related information, most of which is vanity at best and, at worst, actually harmful.
Make it binary
We've all been there. You set a goal to exercise every day, eat healthier, or start your own business. But somehow, life gets in the way, and before you know it, your best intentions have fallen by the wayside. It's a frustrating cycle that we've all experienced, but what if we told you there's a simple solution?
Nutrition Basics
I don’t usually receive pushback when I tell someone to do a workout. It may not be easy, or they may not like it, but they’ll do it. If I tell someone how they should eat, I get every excuse imaginable. This reinforces that, as a nation, we have an unhealthy relationship with our food.
Food is fuel, it exists to provide us with energy to survive. That’s all.
Mirror mirror on the wall
You may care about your appearance, but we don’t. We care about performance. We care about your quality of life. That’s why we don’t spend time lifting in front of mirrors or posing to see our muscles bulge.
Aesthetics are not an indicator of fitness.
You've tried all the diets
Atkins, Keto, Southbeach, Mediterranean, IFYM, Weightwatchers, CodeRED, Paleo, Vegan, calorie counting, low carb, low fat, Raw Food, juicing, Slimfast, Bloodtype... and so on. The number of diets to choose from is endless and there are more being developed all the time because it's a $65 billion+ industry.
What kind of expectations do you place on yourself? Are they reasonable? Do we even know what reasonable is?
I'm learning to change my relationship with expectations. They aren't as helpful as they might seem at first glance.
Define Yourself One Moment at a Time
I believe you should be able to state your three to five core values and the principles you live by that demonstrate those values. There is a lot to be said for doing all this work and how it helps you define the person you want to be.