Drama Detox
In a world filled with constant drama and distractions, it's easy to get caught up in other people's problems and perceived slights against us. But what if there was a better way? This thought-provoking exploration challenges us to examine our relationship with drama and offers a transformative perspective on personal growth. Discover how shifting your focus from external conflicts to internal development can not only improve your life but create positive ripples throughout your community.
Workouts For Vacation
Getting a workout in over vacation doesn’t need to be difficult. It doesn’t need to take a long time either. Remember the goal is to be active and maintain your fitness. You don’t have to improve your fitness while on vacation.
Staying on Track With Holiday Nutrition
As the holiday season approaches, are you feeling torn between indulging in festive treats and sticking to your health goals? You're not alone. In our latest blog post, "Staying on Track With Holiday Nutrition," we dive into practical strategies for navigating the season's nutritional challenges without sacrificing joy. From crafting a personalized plan to mindful eating techniques, we'll show you how to maintain balance and enter the new year feeling confident and accomplished. Don't let the holidays derail your progress – discover how to savor the season while staying true to your health journey. Read on to unwrap the gift of holiday nutrition success!
Too many inputs. Not enough action.
In today's digital age, we're bombarded with fitness advice from every corner of the internet. For those of us in our 40s, navigating this sea of information can be overwhelming, especially when we're spending more time on social media than we'd like to admit. Let's explore how to reduce the noise, filter out the nonsense, and find clarity in our fitness journey.
What is Fitness?
No matter where you are today, you can start improving. Look at your fitness across these models and identify where you're weakest. Whether it's strength, endurance, or skill, taking small steps today will set you on the path to becoming your fittest self tomorrow.
Nutrition is the Most Important Thing
When it comes to health and fitness, many of us, especially as we reach our 40s, tend to focus almost exclusively on exercise. We hit the gym, run on the treadmill, lift weights, or join the latest fitness class, believing that sweat and hard work alone will lead us to the results we want. But here’s a reality check: no matter how many hours you spend working out, if your nutrition isn’t in check, you’re missing out on the most important factor in your health journey.
Your Circumstances Don’t Limit You
I spent much of my adult life thinking that life was unfair and that other people had all the luck. I blamed my circumstances for my life's direction instead of taking ownership of my choices that led to those circumstances. I had to learn that often, my choices led to my circumstances, but I had the opportunity to change my circumstances and (more importantly) my outlook on those circumstances.
The Power of Protein: Building Blocks for Health and Fitness
Today, we're diving into a topic that's been buzzing around our nutrition conversations but hasn't gotten the spotlight it deserves: protein. You've probably heard me talk about it before, but let's really break it down and see why it's such a big deal in our health and fitness journey.
The Five Most Benefical Exercises
With thousands of exercises to choose from, how do you know which ones will benefit you the most from the time spent? This book presents 5 simple yet challenging exercises that will build strength for your entire body. All of these exercises can be performed at home with a little creativity, but you’ll be able to challenge yourself a lot more with the equipment in a gym.
Uncover Your Growth
Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Do you find yourself blaming others for your situation? Your fixed mindset may need to change to a growth mindset. A growth mindset, a term popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, is the belief that there is always room for growth and that it can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective fosters a love for curiosity, learning, and resilience.
Healthy Snacking: What to Eat Between Meals
Snacking often gets a bad reputation, but when done right, it can be an essential part of a healthy diet. The key is to choose snacks that provide nutritional value, keeping your energy levels steady and your hunger at bay between meals. Here are some nutritious and delicious snack options to consider:
Pros and cons of wearable fitness trackers
In this age of technology, wearable fitness trackers have become incredibly popular. They promise to provide insights into our physical activities, sleep patterns, and overall health. But like any tool, they come with their own set of pros and cons. Here’s a balanced look at what wearable fitness trackers offer and where they fall short.
Why I deleted my social media
Social media seems to have taken over every aspect of our lives, so deleting my accounts felt both liberating and daunting. The primary catalyst for this change was my growing realization of how much time I spent on Instagram and the negative impact it had on my mental health.
How to Discern Reliable Nutrition Advice Online
In today's digital age, we are bombarded with a deluge of nutrition advice from every corner of the internet. Social media influencers, self-proclaimed health gurus, and even well-meaning friends and family all seem to have the latest "secret" to achieving optimal health. With so much conflicting information, it can be incredibly challenging to know whom to trust and what advice to follow. At Timber & Steel, we believe in empowering our community with reliable, evidence-based information. Here are three critical criteria to help you cut through the noise and identify trustworthy nutrition advice.
The Best “Gym Near Me”
One of the search phrases people use on Google that leads them to us is “Gyms Near Me.” What they don’t know is that we’re not like any other gym near them or any other gym in the state for that matter.
The Caring Gym
The moniker of “The Caring Gym” is not something that we chose for ourselves, but it’s something that we’ve heard over and over again about the place we’ve created here in downtown Nampa. We aren’t known as that by accident, either. We truly care about each and every person who comes through our doors.
Embracing Failure: A Pathway to Unshakeable Growth
Failure. It's a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many, conjuring images of disappointment, setbacks, and shattered dreams. But what if I told you that failure is not the end, but rather the beginning of something extraordinary?
Why don’t you look like you work out?
Changing how you look isn’t the only reason to work out, but it is part of the motivation for most people. I usually try to help people find other motivations and goals that aren’t heavily influenced by societal pressures. Even when we can make our primary goals about overall health, performance, or longevity, it’s still nice to like the way you look. So it gets incredibly frustrating when you’ve been working out for months or even years and don’t see the changes you want in your body's appearance. What gives?
The Best Way To Approach your Workouts
Is your mindset about working out holding you back? We often fall into traps when trying to improve ourselves, and I see people fall into them all the time. At Timber & Steel, we do our best to guide people toward sustainable, lifelong health and fitness, but we often see people getting in their own way. If you find yourself doing any of the following things, let a coach know so they can help you reframe your approach to your workouts.
Transforming Negative Self-Talk
One of the most formidable obstacles in the journey toward self-improvement is often the voice within our own minds. Negative self-talk can be insidious, shaping our perceptions, influencing our emotions, and ultimately dictating our actions. Yet, by recognizing and reframing these harmful thought patterns, we can reclaim control over our inner dialogue and cultivate a more positive and empowering mindset.