Diets don’t work. Healthy habits do.

Take back the power in your fitness journey with the 90 Day Fit Life program!

There are a lot of Popular ways to get Healthy or fit.

You’ve probably already tried a few:

  • Very restrictive diets

  • Lots of cardio

  • Cleanses

  • Working out seven days a week…

But even if you follow the rules, the progress you see from fad diets and restrictive eating programs is all too often temporary. 

This is the part of the story where people get discouraged. They burn out. They fall off the wagon and stay there for a while. Here’s why:

Most diets and workout programs skip right over the most important steps for building fitness that lasts.

If you’re struggling to hold on to the results you want, 

it’s probably because:


You’re not learning how to make healthy choices without a strict set of rules telling you what to do.


You’re trying to overhaul your entire lifestyle all at once instead of addressing small behaviors over time.


You’re focused on reaching a single immediate goal instead of creating a way of living that nourishes all of your life goals.

Let me stop here for a second and introduce myself.

I’m Clayton Borah, your virtual nutrition coach and the creator of our 90 Nutrition Kickstart. 

I’m passionate about fitness, and by “fitness” I don’t mean “weight loss” or “sweet gains”—I mean real, lifelong fitness. That feeling when you’re adventure-ready at the drop of a hat, feeling better than you’ve felt in years, and owning your own journey with confidence? That’s the goal.

My fitness story started with being overweight and other health problems — I was able to turn that around and so much more. If I can do it you can too.

My journey has taught me to look at fitness differently. It’s not a race you can win or lose. There’s no finish line you can cross and be done. It’s a path you walk every day. 

Knowing that, I designed 90-Day Nutrition Kickstart to be a resource you can use for the rest of your life (not just until you see a certain number on the scale). I’m ready to put it to work for you. Just say the word!

I’m not offering you another gimmick. I’m offering you a roadmap.

Instead of giving you a handful of rules to follow and walking away, I’m providing the tools you’ll need to make healthy choices all on your own for the rest of your life.

Educates you about different types of food, what they do for your body, and how to combine nutritious eating with other elements of wellness to achieve your ideal fitness level.

90 Day Kickstart program

Empowers you to make smart choices after the 90 days are over, thanks to new healthy habits that arm you against the fatigue and demotivation we all feel from time to time.

Uplifts you by focusing on what you can do now to get the fit lifestyle you dream of instead of zeroing in on what you’ve been doing wrong.

I won’t lie to you—this course is not an easy button. 

The 90 Day Fit Life program is all about changing behaviors 

that are getting in the way of real progress for you. 

That doesn’t happen overnight!

What I CAN tell you is that if you put in the work, you’ll see the results.

Here’s what you get:

90 Day Fit Life is a series of 12 weekly lessons that you can refer back to anytime. Each week consists of a video lesson to walk you through the content and companion text that highlights the main points.

Lesson 1 

The Plate Method

A simple tool for planning tasty meals that boost energy and keep you feeling satisfied

Lesson 2

Goal Setting

How to set realistic goals based on good habits rather than uncontrollable outcomes

Lesson 3


Sickness, wellness, and fitness are different measures of a single quantity: health

Lesson 4


How to choose the right carbs to fuel your body and brain rather than falling back on empty calories

Lesson 5


Where to find protein, how much of it you need, and why it’s vital to a healthy diet.

Lesson 6


This important nutrient gets a bad rap—you can train your body to use it as an energy source!

Lesson 7

Eating on the Go

Make healthy decisions about food outside of your own kitchen without the stress or complex math

Lesson 8

Meal Prep

Plan ahead to stay on top of your weekly meals and keep building those good habits

Lesson 9


Good sleep is key for optimal health—poor sleep can actually cause weight gain.

Lesson 10


It’s no secret that exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss.

Lesson 11


Internal and external stressors can take their toll on your body and your wellness

Lesson 12


Food is the ideal place to get nutrients, but here’s what to know if you do need to supplement

Start Your Nutrition Kickstart program Today!


✔︎ 12 weeks of lessons

✔︎ Lifetime access to the course content

✔︎ PLUS! Monthly Newsletters to keep you on track

My in-person coaching costs $375 for about the same course.

90 Day Nutrition Kickstart
One time

  • The content of the program will be available to you forever. However, the online support community is limited to 90 days. If you want to continue having access to me and the support community, you can purchase additional 3-month blocks.

  • Yes. As I answer more questions in the online community, I’ll update the course material to include answers to common questions.

    One of the goals of 90-Day Kickstart is to be simple to implement and not overwhelm you with information.

    I’m committed to keeping it that way and have purposely left some information out of the course to keep you from being distracted by things that don’t matter.

  • Unlike many programs on the market, 90-Day Kickstart doesn’t measure success by outcomes. The program's goal is to provide you with knowledge, help you develop new habits, and provide support.

    This is why I don’t offer a money-back guarantee.

Still have questions? 

Take a look at these FAQs!

Think ahead 90 days from today.

You feel great. Your energy level is way up. You might even notice that your clothes are fitting more loosely than they have in quite some time!

You’re not confused or intimidated when it’s time to choose healthy meals; in fact, you’re branching out, filling your days with a variety of nutritious, tasty meals, and actually enjoying food again.

Most importantly, your life has changed all around for the better. 

Maybe you’re racing your kids down the sidewalk for the first time in years or taking the stairs at work without needing a break between floors. Maybe you’re finally ready to go on that scenic hike you’ve been planning for ages or book that beach trip you couldn’t bring yourself to buy a swimsuit for until now.

Won’t it feel amazing to look back and see how far you’ve come? Won’t it be even better to realize your progress didn’t come to a halt the second your 90 days were over?

Take the wheel of your future and stop the yo-yo dieting cycle once and for all! Make today Day One of your Fit Life journey.