You CAN be unshakable!

Resilience isn’t something you have to be born with. 

Through the power of intentional habit building, you can create this quality in yourself and bring your unique visions to life—no matter what challenges you face.

So much of life feels like we’re depending on the approval of others. This makes even the mundane task of our day feel incredibly personal. 

Maybe you feel like:

  • You’re blown around from opinion to opinion without feeling grounded in yourself.

  • Everyone is watching and judging you, causing you to second-guess yourself

  • Any little setback is too much, and you can’t keep going

You may even see showing up authentically on social media as a risk—what if people see the “real you” and think less of you?

Good news!

It’s possible to fortify yourself against self-doubt. No matter how fantastic (or terrible) your support system is, a foundation that is rooted in YOUR belief in yourself and determination to succeed is what will power you through the most difficult situations you can face.

It all starts with rituals and habits that build resilience into your day-to-day life. 

Resilience Bootcamp is your framework to become the unshakable person that won’t give up on your goals.

I’m Clayton Borah, your virtual resilience coach. I start every day with a journaling ritual just like the one you will learn in this course. 

As a business owner, coach, father, and husband I know pressure. I’m only human, after all; sometimes I feel self-conscious, become stuck, or get so close to a problem that I can’t see it clearly for what it is.

What keeps me working toward my goals when self-doubt and overwhelm rear their ugly heads?

The power of resilience.

Over time I’ve been incredibly resilient because I am intentional about starting my days in a specific way. As a result, I get more resilient every day. I use specific rituals that push me forward and make me stronger.

Your ritual doesn’t have to look exactly like mine, but you can see some of those same results just by committing to that first week…then, just keep going! It’s that easy.

Here’s what you can expect:

Resilience Bootcamp is a weeklong course you can access anytime here on our website. 

Day 1: Live with Visible Principles

Living out your principles adds a layer of intention to your life that gives you the fortitude to keep going when things get rough.

Day 2: Accept Who You Are

If you are afraid or ashamed of your own qualities, you’re giving fear a foothold in your life. Self-acceptance gives you power over your fears.

Day 3: Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Continuing through tough times is part of the journey. When you’re prepared to persevere, obstacles don’t deter you. 

Day 4: Look for Ways to Be Challenged 

New challenges equal growth. Facing larger challenges on a regular basis makes your daily challenges that much easier.

Day 5: Exercise Self-Control

Self-control is an exercise in going without. Going without something releases its power over your life and allows you to focus on other, higher priorities.

Day 6: Fail Well

Resilience is the ability to overcome setbacks and persevere, which means you’ll have to learn to grow through failure.

Day 7: Embrace Your Mortality

Life is short, so perspective is key. Setbacks and difficulties lose some of their importance in comparison to a topic like mortality.

Resilience isn’t just for Alpha Personalities. 

Have you spent a lifetime wishing success would come easily or quickly? Do you secretly envy people who are able to turn their visions into reality quickly and easily? 


Once you put the right behaviors into practice, you will be amazed at what you’re actually capable of.

Start becoming unshakable today!

  • Orientation Video

  • 7 daily video lessons

  • 7 daily worksheets

  • Lifetime access to the videos and worksheets

Resilience Bootcamp
One time

Get any time access to our introduction to building a resilience mindset. Use this course as a starting point and as a reference to return to again and again to keep you building the mindset you want.

✓ 7 Daily Videos
✓ 7 Daily Worksheets
✓ Lifetime template for growth